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Designs on helping mercy missions

Posted onPosted on 26th Feb
Designs on helping mercy missions

A Mansfield company is helping an organisation that provides humanitarian aid to put a smile on the faces of more vulnerable children living in the UK, Ireland and overseas.

Business gifts and promotional merchandise specialists Pellacraft, has designed and is hosting a new website for Comunication Workers Union Humanitarian Aid (CWUHA).

The CWUHA was founded by trade union members, families and friends, who work in Britain’s and Ireland’s postal, telecom and financial industries, in 1995 to help vulnerable children in war-torn Bosnia.

Since then, CWUHA has delivered thousands of tonnes of aid to hundreds of orphanages, hospitals, schools and direct to vulnerable families across the world.

The new website enables volunteers to post stories of their aid convoy experiences, play videos of the aid reaching the children, and share news about the ongoing development and success of projects.
It is hoped seeing the true stories will help increase the number of CWUHA volunteers and donations.

Carl Webb, of CWUHA, said: “We are grateful to Pellacraft for helping us launch our new website as is it an important part of being able to demonstrate how the aid benefits the children, and will hopefully encourage more volunteers and donations to come forward.”

Sam Pella (pictured) from Pellacraft, added: “We normally develop websites to help customers who have a large membership or employee base to communicate internally or with other members.

“When CWUHA explained their objectives we were delighted to help as one of our main aims is to promote workers’ rights and social justice.”

More information about CWUHA can be found at