Froghopper Lane, Ashfield District Council’s newest housing development in Sutton, has been completed.
Tenants are moving into the 22 homes in time for Christmas.
Froghopper Lane is made up of a mixture of houses, apartments and disabled adapted bungalows, with each home having allocated parking. The homes are energy efficient and built to be future-proof to ensure tenants enjoy warmer homes with lower bills.
The 22 homes on Froghopper Lane take the council’s total number of new council homes built by Ashfield District Council to 46, with another 62 planned. These include four sites across Sutton and Kirkby; 34 homes on Warwick Close, Kirkby, 8 new homes on former garage sites on Darley Avenue and Spruce Grove, Kirkby, and 20 homes on Charlotte Gardens, Sutton.
Coun Tom Hollis, executive lead member for Social and Council Housing, said “The new homes on Froghopper Lane are genuinely outstanding. The quality of the buildings and the space inside means that more families will be able to live in the housing they deserve.
“Froghopper is the perfect example of reusing a derelict site and giving it a new lease of life. The council continues to make fast progress on the other live sites around the district, bringing even more quality housing to those in need.”