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Council retains White Ribbon award

Posted onPosted on 25th Feb
Council retains White Ribbon award

Mansfield District Council has retained its White Ribbon status in recognition of its efforts to tackle domestic abuse.

It was first awarded the White Ribbon in February 2013. In order to get re-accreditation, the council had to demonstrate its continued commitment to raising public awareness of the White Ribbon campaign and its aim to eradicate domestic violence.

Over the past year, initiatives have included distributing White Ribbon stickers to licensed premises in the town centre and asking local sportspeople to wear the White Ribbon and sign the pledge “never to commit, condone or remain silent about men’s violence against women”.

Cllr Mick Barton, Portfolio Holder for Public Protection, said: “We are delighted to have retained the White Ribbon award, because it sends out a message to our community that domestic abuse is not acceptable.

“The White Ribbon campaign is about challenging attitudes and beliefs that enable perpetrators to continue with their abusive behaviour. We want to encourage people living in an abusive relationship to access support and break the cycle of abuse.

“I want members of the public to visit the White Ribbon website, make a pledge and join us in supporting the campaign to end violence against women and girls.”

The White Ribbon Campaign is an international movement which was created by a group of men who wanted to end violence against women. To find out more about the campaign and to sign the pledge, visit