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Council career ambassadors visit schools

Posted onPosted on 21st Dec

Mansfield District Council’s skills programme aiming to prepare young people for the working world has seen the first round of activity get under way.

The council’s Career Ambassador Programme sees officers work with secondary, SEND, and college providers to help shape pupils career pathways and give them insight into the working world.

So far, officers have attended career fairs, conducted mock interviews and hosted mentoring sessions with learners at Samworth Church Academy in Mansfield and Portland College. The skills programme supplements the council’s Mansfield Youth Charter programme that aims to create opportunity, recognise talent and inspire young people.

Mayor Andy Abrahams said it was brilliant to see the activity in the district under way and hear the impact they are making already.

“I am thrilled that we have hit the ground running with this project, and have been busy in learning establishments across the district getting its pupils ready for their next steps,” he added.

“As a former teacher, making sure our young people have all the tools at their disposal to go on to reach success, whether that be through apprenticeships, A-Levels, or full-time work, is key to keeping success in Mansfield.

“I am looking forward to seeing even more activity get under way with other schools in Mansfield in the New Year, and hope that these sessions or conversations with our council staff and pupils do help them on their education into employment journey for the future.”

The authority’s Talent and Skills team have been meeting with schools and colleges in the district and, so far, have planned activity in the New Year with The Brunts Academy, All Saints’ and Vision West Notts College – plus more in the pipeline.

The council is part of the North Notts Careers Hub helping businesses, schools, apprenticeship providers and colleges to collaborate for the benefit of young people.

This partnership informs pupils about the huge range of different jobs and career pathways on offer and make decisions that work best for them and their futures.

Council officers also recently attended Portland College and presented to learners about the careers available at the council, what a day in the life looks like and answered a range of questions on the wider role of the council.

Deana Langton, work experience co-ordinator at Portland College, said: “We held an ‘Exploring the Local Labour Market Event’ with Mansfield District Council recently with the aim to give learners an opportunity to interact with a variety of teams working within the council, ask questions and gain more knowledge about jobs that are available in the local area.

“For many learners it was their first encounter with an employer and allowed them to have a conversation in a space that is comfortable and familiar. The impact was that learners’ confidence developed and it encouraged an interest in exploring the opportunities that may be available to them.”

The Career Ambassador Scheme also links with the Mansfield Start Portal – This website is a valuable careers information tool and resource to raise young people’s awareness of local businesses and the current job roles as well as the future growth sectors.

To find out more about the programme please contact [email protected].uk