The Mayor of Mansfield, Kate Allsop, is setting up a commission to look into ways in which Warsop could be developed across a range of issues.
These include housing, roads, leisure, health, bus services and economic regeneration, plus support for local businesses.
The Mayoral Commission will begin its work immediately after the Nottinghamshire County Council elections on 4th May.
The mayor will invite key local participants, including the four Mansfield District councillors who serve Warsop and the new county councillor.
The deputy mayor, Mick Barton, and the district council’s portfolio holder for regeneration, Coun Dave Saunders, will be involved.
Others likely to be invited to join the commission include Mansfield MP Sir Alan Meale; representatives from Warsop Parish Council and Nottinghamshire’s police and fire services; health, church and education leaders; and the business and voluntary community. The mayor said she expected to meet young people from Warsop.
The commission will probably meet every two months and a final report be produced by the end of 2018.
The mayor said the commission would be non-political in its approach.
It will be supported by a small voluntary group with no direct officer involvement from district or county councils.
Mayor Allsop said: “I want the commission to be independent and unfettered by historical baggage, and look at all things Warsop with a fresh and out-of-the-box approach.
“The first order of business will be to agree the terms of reference for the commission’s work. I invite anyone living in Warsop to put forward suggestions for the commission to consider.”
The commission’s final report will be presented to Mansfield District Council and Nottinghamshire County Council at the end of 2018.
It is hoped there would be recommendations for both local authorities to take into account in their 2019/20 budget planning.