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Caring for people with memory loss

Posted onPosted on 25th Aug
Caring for people with memory loss

A group that provides a social day care setting for people of any age suffering from the early stages of memory loss has thanked fundraisers for a donation — and opened its doors to new users.

Open Door 1, based at Harwood Court Community Centre, Sutton, on Tuesdays and Fridays, received a cheque for £543.36 from the Newstead-based Holistic Health Team following its Nordic Walking fundraiser earlier this year.

Maxine Huskinson, service manager of Open Door 1, said: “We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone at Holistic Health Team.

“The money has been spent on new activities for group members.”

The group provides a full day of activities and a freshly-cooked two-course meal, plus refreshments, for a charge.

Maxine added: “We rely on fundraising for all the extra things we need for the group.

“We are competitively priced against other providers because of the efforts of our supporters, such as Pip and the Holistic Health Team and her family.”

Maxine explained why the group started. “We felt that the beginning of the journey for anyone being diagnosed had less support, so decided to focus on people in the early stages of the disease,” she said.

“We also wanted to carry on the much-needed support for the sufferer and their families too.

“When a diagnosis of dementia is made, at whatever age, the options available to the sufferer and their families are limited.

“Our group is intended to provide a lifeline to both the sufferer and carer.

“We used our resources and started a pilot for a few weeks to see if there was a need. Within no time we were full and so carried on and went from strength to strength to get to where we are now.

“We went from a one day a week service to four days a week — with two days in Newark as well — in the space of 18 months.

“We have had help along the way with grants and donations but we now have to charge a reasonable price for the service to cover costs.”

Maxine said looking after people with dementia allowed their carers the chance to do activities of their choice — while the person they care for was engaged in an activity enabling them to keep their skills for as long as possible.

She said carers could also gain support by meeting other carers and care professionals to find out what services were available.

Open Door is run by a team of staff and volunteers. There are places available on Tuesdays and Fridays for new members.

Anyone wishing to attend can refer themselves by calling 01623 405199 or through a healthcare professional.

Pictured is Pip Bateman, right, director of the Holistic Health Team, presenting the cheque to Open Door 1 service co-ordinator Jean Shaw and user Ian Higgins, Pip’s father.