Work is to start in Ashfield in May on the £20m Better Broadband for Nottinghamshire (BBfN) programme.
The programme, led by Nottinghamshire County Council and BT, will be rollewd out in Mansfield in June.
More than one million metres of fibre optic cable will be laid and 2,500 fibre distribution points installed across the county over the next few months. The first services are expected to be available from July 2014.
By 2016, 95% of homes and businesses in the county will have access to the high-speed fibre network, making Nottinghamshire one of the best digitally connected counties in the country.
The council is recruiting digital champions to help promote the benefits of the internet and raise awareness in their community. To join, email [email protected]
Coun Diana Meale, chairman of the Economic Development Committee said: “I am thrilled that we are now at the stage of being able to announce the areas of the county to benefit from phase one of the Better Broadband for Nottinghamshire programme and that we are only a matter of weeks away from work starting within local communities.
“Being a better connected county is critical to our plans for economic growth and the creation of new jobs. Access to broadband will revolutionise the way that thousands of Nottinghamshire people communicate, get information, watch TV, do their homework or sell their products by instantly connecting them with the rest of the world.
“Best of all, Nottinghamshire will be ahead of the game. The delivery of our programme in partnership with Europe, the UK Government and local district and borough Councils makes it unique and means that the roll out of broadband in our county will result in Nottinghamshire being one of the best digitally connected areas of the UK – putting us in an extremely strong position to attract inward investment.”
Owen Moody, BT’s regional director for the East Midlands said: “After weeks of meticulous planning and hard work we are delighted to reveal the first locations that will benefit from this ambitious project. This investment in fibre broadband will boost the local economy and help to create or protect local jobs. It will be of enormous benefit to local businesses which can use the faster speeds to improve their competitiveness both within the UK and abroad.”
Further information about BBfN is at