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Brunts help homeless project

Posted onPosted on 1st Feb
Brunts help homeless project

The Brunts Academy, Mansfield, a member of The Evolve Trust, is working with The Hall Homeless Support Project in the town, which project provides a safe environment for homeless young people to get support, advice and guidance.

A cheque for £229.95 was presented to Tony Lee, from The Hall, after year 10 and year 11 GCSE performing arts and Post 16 BTEC Level 3 production arts students staged a sell-out three-night performance of a musical version of The Snow Queen in November.

Tony delivered a masterclass informing students about The Hall and showing them a video highlighting its work. Two students signed up as volunteers to work at The Hall on Monday mornings and a third already volunteers there. The students will use the information they learnt from Tony to devise their community performances.

Carl Atkin, head of school, said: “The Hall provides fantastic support to young people in the area and, as an academy, we have supported The Hall for a number of years to help it continue this work. A huge thank you to Mrs Dubowksi, Mr Morris and the students for raising these funds.”

Pictured are student Becky Birch, Carl Atkin, Tony Lee and student Georgia Mace.