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Boost for safety projects in Ashfield

Posted onPosted on 10th Sep

Ashfield Community Safety Partnership has secured £476,168.30 funding to implement community safety initiatives in the area and protect vulnerable people.

The money has come from the Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner, Nottinghamshire Police, and Nottinghamshire County Council.

Projects that will benefit include the installation of CCTV and signage in target areas, installing security measures in residential homes, better lighting, and support for a camaign to protect women and girls from violence.

Staff training, posters, and materials will be provided for the Ask for Angela scheme at a minimum 25 commercial venues.

The partnership will also work with NHS and GP surgeries to address serious violence, sexual abuse, and domestic abuse. More hotspot hi-visibility patrols in the Sutton East areas of Ashfield will also be funed to improve feelings of safety and deter anti-social behaviour.

Coun John Willmott, executive lead member for Community Safety and Crime Reduction at Ashfield District Council, said: “Working with partner agencies to tackle and reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in the district is a massive priority and this funding will enable us to do so.

“It will allow us to continue to deliver community safety initiatives that focus on preventative, educational, and enforcement interventions.”