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Boost for Mansfield market

Posted onPosted on 9th Jan
Boost for Mansfield market

Mansfield market is set for a £100,000 boost as part of a £658,776 Mansfield District Council package of measures aimed at creating jobs and helping business growth.

The money for the market could be spent on the appearance of the stalls, more flexibility in its operation and support for traders.

Coun Kate Allsop, portfolio holder for economic regeneration, has allocated money from the council’s Economic Stimulus Fund (ESF) and Apprenticeship Reserve.

A total of £423,000 from the ESF has been earmarked for:

Up to £100,000 of investment in Mansfield market.

Grants of up to £4,000 for independent retailers taking on certain vacant properties in Mansfield, Warsop and Mansfield Woodhouse town centres, plus shop front improvement grants of up to £5,000 for existing traders.

Start-up grants of £1,000 to support new businesses.

Business growth grants of up to £5,000 for businesses to support product or staff development, plus free business and management training.

In addition, £235,776 of the Apprenticeship Reserve has been allocated to extending the council’s existing Pathways to Work programme from summer 2015 to 2017/18.

The programme provides graduate and undergraduate placements; an enterprise and employability skills programme in schools; jobs, careers and advice fairs; and apprenticeship grants for employers.

It would also include a one-year pilot of post-16 career internships for pupils at four schools in Mansfield who choose not to go to university.

Coun Allsop said: “This package of support will help us to achieve our vision for a vibrant district that attracts investment and encourages job creation and growth.

“I am delighted that so many people, including residents, business owners, market traders, town centre retailers, school and university students, and visitors can benefit from the help and support provided by these schemes.”