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Boer War tin fetches over £400

Posted onPosted on 6th Oct

A tin that was made in Mansfield more than 120 years ago for Queen Victoria to send chocolate to Boer War troops sold for more than double its estimated price at an online auction.

Most of the chocolate remains in the tin, which Paul Cooper, of auction house Eddisons, said made it “incredibly rare”.

The tin was expected to make between £100 and £200 in the auction at, but fetched £440, totalling £520 with commission. It was bought by a London collector.

The tin was found in a box of junk during an attic clearout in Immingham, North Lincolnshire.

Paul said: “It is believed that it was stored away many years ago by the vendor’s late husband, whose grandfather fought in the Boer War. She had no idea it was there.”

The chocolate was made by Rowntrees, of York.