A meals on wheels service that serves people in Mansfield and Ashfield has won an award.
Nottinghamshire County Council won the Meals on Wheels accolade from the National Association of Care Caterers (NACC).
The annual awards recognise teams from across the care catering sector who demonstrate innovation, excellence and dedication in their field as well as creating real benefits for the people they cater for.
Since 1987, the council has produced meals from scratch, using fresh and, whenever possible, locally-sourced ingredients at a base in Worksop. They are delivered across the county to older people and those with disabilities who live at home but are unable to prepare a meal for themselves.
The production base, known as County Enterprise Foods, also offers employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
Delivery drivers are often the only friendly face some customers see each day. They also carry out ‘safe and well’ checks and will alert family members or the emergency services if a customer does not answer the door, has a fall or is feeling unwell.
Drivers are also trained in scam busting to spot bogus workmen and intercept scam mail.
Meals on Wheels customer Gwendoline Harries, of Mansfield, said: “I’m 91 years of age, but I don’t feel it! My favourite dinner is beef and Yorkshire pudding. The meals help me to keep my independence. It’s more than just a meal.”
Coun Tony Harper, chairman of Nottinghamshire County Council’s Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee, added: “We are very proud of our service and how far we have come to improve the lives of older and vulnerable people in the county. We’d like to congratulate and thank all our amazing staff.”