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Artist branches out into garden for wellbeing

Posted onPosted on 24th Oct

A Mansfield arts scheme is set to branch out into running a community gardening project after its founder won a Dragon’s Den-style event.

Clare Taylor, who already runs the Bus and Birds art project, went to the event to raise cash to set up The Allotment Project at the Eaking Road allotments ­— and came away £550 better off after her scheme was voted the best on the night.

The event was called Hard Heads and Hang Ups at the THiNK in NG meeting space in Nottingham, where an audience and a panel of judges heard pitches from candidates looking for funding for projects designed to boost mental health among people in the community.

Clare explained how she will use the money — £250 of which was donated by the UK HQ of global chemical firm Lubrizol, which is based in Derbyshire — to spruce up a kitchen at the allotments so that local people can meet, do gardening and also take part in art and craft activities inspired by nature.

She plans to launch the scheme in January, with each participant being invited to take part for free over eight weeks.

Clare said: “I’ve applied for Arts Council money for the project as well, but getting the £550 will make a huge difference and means that I can make some changes to the kitchen and get trestle tables for activities too.

“As a former art teacher I’m well aware of the mental benefits of being creative but I’m also a keen gardener and find that extremely beneficial, so by combining the two activities I know that I will be able to make a difference to people in Mansfield who may be socially isolated or experiencing mental issues.

“It’s very early days and there’s a lot of work to do, but although I was nervous giving my talk it was extremely worth it in the end and I’m delighted that I was awarded the money.”

Lubrizol has been involved in the Hard Heads and Hang Ups project for the past three years and, as well as donating £250, its production services manager, Karen Clegg, is one of the judges.

She said: “Mental health is a growing concern within society and it’s something that we at Lubrizol want to play a part in helping to alleviate as part of our community activity.”