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Aiming to make a real difference to Mansfield’s health

Posted onPosted on 7th Oct

A new initiative is under way to tackle health inequalities and make a difference to the wellbeing of people in Mansfield.”

The Mayor of Mansfield, Andy Abrahams, launched the Mansfield Health Partnership with the support of countywide agencies responsible for wellbeing across Nottinghamshire.

The launch event (above), organised by Mansfield District Council, brought together the Nottinghamshire Health and Wellbeing Board, Active Notts, Nottinghamshire County Council, the Mansfield and Ashfield Clinical Care Commission, the Strategic Sports Partnership and other agencies that give direct help and support to residents in the district, including Nottinghamshire Police.

“The purpose of the partnership is for us all to work together and bring about positive outcomes for Mansfield,” said the mayor.

“As a district council we cannot do this alone, but together we can improve the health and wellbeing for the people who live here.”

The partnership has been launched as a direct result of the recommendations made by the Healthy Mansfield Commission — a Mayoral Commission founded by the former mayor, Kate Allsop.

The work of the commission and the production of its report was led by local businessman Les Marshall, a former district councillor, who was thanked for his contribution.

Invited guests heard from John Wilcox and Jonathan Gribbin, Public Health leads on the programme from the county council, who both spoke about why place matters when it comes to wellbeing.

“Good health is a resource in individuals and communities that enables people to meet their potential in life,” said Jonathan, director of public health.

“Income, employment and built environment can all impact on a person’s overall health along with social and behavioural factors.

“Healthy places can develop when the root causes of health inequalities are addressed and this needs to be done at a population, community and individual level.

“The Health Partnership brings the right organisations together to address these issues in Mansfield.”

The next step for the partnership is to transform its strategy into action and set out a long-term plan to address health and wellbeing issues in Mansfield. It is due to hold its first meeting before the end of the year.