Mansfield District Council is asking for donations of food, clothing, tents and sleeping bags to support their work in helping the homeless in Mansfield.
The council is working with partner organisations to provide a night shelter three nights a week throughout winter from 4 December to the end of February. They are also seeking host families who can offer a room to a homeless young person either for one night, or for the longer term in supported lodgings.
Breakfast and evening meals will be provided at the night shelter and donations of food and clothes will be given to anyone using the accommodation. There are 12 places available. The council provides funding towards the shelter and all referrals to the shelter are made through the council.
Anyone who is homeless, or threatened with homelessness should visit the Housing desk at Mansfield’s Civic Centre on Chesterfield Road South, or should call the council on 01623 463125 before noon to apply for a place at the shelter.
When temperatures are forecast to fall below freezing for three consecutive nights, further beds are made available so that all street homeless people in the district can be accommodated.
The council would be grateful for any donations of the following items, which can be dropped off at the venues listed below:
Bridge Street – tinned soup, clothing, sleeping bags, tents, socks and fruit.
The Hall – socks, practical men’s shoes sizes 9 -11, food including perishables and breakfast cereals, toiletries. For more information phone St Peters Centre 01623 428775
Winter Shelter – underwear, pasta, sauces, breakfast cereals and bread . Email Hannah Buck [email protected]
Vineyard for YMCA – toiletries, mixed clothing. Email [email protected]
Framework – food for food parcels including tins, blankets, sleeping bags and tents. Email [email protected]
Other partner organisations include Mansfield Baptist Church, Stonham Home Group, Transforming Notts Together and the Beacon Project.
If you feel you can offer a room to a young, homeless person for one night or longer, please contact Alison Evans at the Home Group, 106 Nottingham Road, Mansfield NG18 1BP. Telephone 07860 403549.
Portfolio Holder for Housing at Mansfield District Council, Cllr Barry Answer said: “Homelessness is a terrible problem, not just at Christmas, but all year round. If you can support our efforts to help homeless people with much-needed donations at our night shelter over the winter period, we would love to hear from you. If you are also able to offer short-term or longer-term accommodation for homeless young people now or in 2016, please get in touch to find out more.”