A Mansfield-based organisation has made three grants to sporting causes.
The Emma Stamp Charitable Trust was set up in memory of the Mansfield Town supporter and fundraiser for local charities Skillforce and Endeavour.
It has given £500 to Asquith Primary School, Mansfield, to buy 20 sets of outdoor clothing, wellingtons and a greenhouse for its Foundation 1, Foundation 2 and Year 1 pupils.
The grant will support the school’s focus on outdoor education and development, ranging from planting seeds and making mini-beast habitats to visiting local parks and rivers.
The trustees, Ann and Dave (Emma’s parents) and her best friends, Nicola Walters and Leanne Gravil, have also awarded £500 to Welbeck under-11s girls’ team to buy kits, balls, bibs and other training equipment plus first aid kits.
The third grant has been given to 2nd Syston Guides and 1st Syston Senior Section, Leicestershire, to support activity costs on their trip to Switzerland.
A spokesman said: “All three of these great causes were close to Emma’s heart and are projects the trustees look forward to getting involved in and visiting.
“The trustees would like to thank everyone who continues to raise funds for them to distribute in the grant-making process.
“We especially thank Sean Revill for his ongoing support and Jason Robinson for the recent five-a-side tournament he organised at Mansfield Town FC’s ground. which was won by Shirebrook Rovers.
To apply for funding of up to £500 for a good cause or charity, go to www.emmastampct.co.uk for more information.