Students at Samworth Church Academy, Mansfield, took part in a hanging basket competition. The baskets were created to the students’ designs and presented to governor Mrs Valerie Leivers to judge.
First prize was awarded to Katelyn Rockey-Clewlow.
Mrs Leivers said: “The joy of hanging baskets is that it doesn’t matter how big or small your garden is, or indeed if you don’t have a garden, you can still have a hanging basket.
“I have judged on colour, mix of flowers and the overall balance. They were of a very high standard, nicely presented and it seems that the students enjoyed doing it.
“I hope for some it will be the beginning of a hobby for life. This is something that anyone can do and it doesn’t cost a lot to do it. I get tremendous pleasure from my garden and hope the students might find the same enjoyment.”
Pictured are Mrs Leivers, Katelyn Rockey-Clewlow and Mr Barry Found, principal.