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Tracking nightjars in Sherwood Forest

Posted onPosted on 30th Jun
Tracking nightjars in Sherwood Forest

Members of the Mansfield and Ashfield group of the Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust (NWT), ACCESS and Forest Town Nature Group, joined Andy Lowe, from Birkland’s Ringing Group and the trust’s conservation officer, in a Sherwood Forest location, to capture, record and fit a tracking system to nightjars.

NWT group chairman Peter Olko said: “After a short walk, the group gathered to hear the distinctive churring sound from several birds nearby and watched graceful flights over the low scrub and bracken as the birds flew to catch moths, which they do late in the evening or very early morning. Outside this period, they prefer to sit on their nest or just rest.

“Just as darkness was falling, the group was informed a young untagged bird had been caught.

“We all watched in silence as Andrew weighed, photographed and fitted the small transmitter, and released the bird. He gave a commentary of the birds’ nesting habits, migration routes and identification markings.

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