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Fighting town centre crime

Posted onPosted on 22nd Jun
Fighting town centre crime

A national standard that aims to reduce business and retail crime has been put together following the success of a scheme based in Mansfield.

The Partnership Against Business Crime in Nottinghamshire (PABCIN) was launched just a year ago, led by Dave Wilson, from Mansfield Business Improvement District (Mansfield BID).

With support from police, Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner Paddy Tipping, business crime partnerships and retailers, the scheme has been at the forefront of fighting crime and disorder that affects businesses.

PABCIN works with small, independent and national companies and there are more than 100 already registered on the scheme, including Wilko, Asda, Primark, Matalan, Boots, Aldi, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons, Next, Tesco and the Co-op.

It is now operating in 15 town centre and shopping areas that are raising their standards to meet the nationally-agreed Common Minimum Standard (CMS).

The work of PABCIN played a lead role in the development of the CMS that is the entry level for business crime partnerships.
Mr Wilson said: “The basic standard was developed together with sister organisation Partnerships Against Business Crime in Staffordshire to a national accreditation.

“This has now been agreed as the national standard and is called the National Business Crime Partnerships Accreditation with three levels of achievement — bronze, silver and gold.

“What started as a BID initiative to work with partners to reduce business crime has spread across the county and we are delighted that our work has formed the basis of a national accreditation scheme.”

Following the work of PABCIN, a nominated Police Community Support Officer has been appointed for each of the 15 areas and three of these work full-time, together with a police officer, in the PABCIN hub.

Simon Horton, of Wilko, the vice-chairman of PABCIN, said: “The PABCIN model meets with current thinking of retailers and police with well-briefed staff identifying and deterring banned individuals and preventing offences occurring. This reduces the risk of injury to staff and reduces crime and shop losses.”

Pictured is Dave Wilson, centre, with Daryl McGreade and Dave Dowson, BID Ambassadors.