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Students support cancer fund

Posted onPosted on 26th Feb

YOUNG people from All Saints’ Catholic Voluntary Academy, Mansfield, presented a cheque to Cancer Research UK for £1,607.73, which was raised through a variety of events.

Throughout January the school’s learners prepared and delivered a range of events, aiming to raise a significant amount of money to go to both the development of a sensory room in the academy’s learning support department and towards a charity voted for by all students.

Staff and students took part in a lip sync battle, including songs from the Spice Girls, Will Smith, Adele, and more.

Each year group also set up a charity fair during tutor time, which featured cake sales, penalty shoot-outs, and a guess the number of sweets in a jar competition.

A spokesperson said: “As a community we raised just over £2,000, a fantastic effort thanks to hard work from staff, students, parent/carers, and governors.”