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Charity tonic for seriously-ill patients

Posted onPosted on 27th Jun

Critically-unwell patients at King’s Mill Hospital will benefit from medical equipment provided by Sherwood Forest Hospitals Charity — thanks to a donation in a will.

Sherwood Forest Hospitals Charity has purchased a £15,750 Arctic Sun device, which monitors a patient’s temperature and uses gel pads filled with water to provide rapid cooling and rewarming. It is designed to precisely control temperature and prevent hyperthermia (high body temperature) in adults who are in a coma after sudden cardiac arrest, with the aim of reducing brain injury and improving neurological outcomes.

Consultant in Critical Care Medicine and Anaesthesia Dr Vishal Dhokia, head of Service Adult Critical Care Unit at Sherwood Forest Hospitals, said: “We are very grateful to Sherwood Forest Hospitals Charity for providing this innovative equipment. This is the most effective way of cooling patients in a timely manner, which can help improve outcomes. It is also less invasive for patients and reduces the amount of time needed for nurses to measure and manually adjust the temperature system.”

Jo Thornley, community involvement manager at Sherwood Forest Hospitals, said: “In this case, the state-of-the-art equipment was purchased after an individual very kindly chose to leave a gift for the charity in their will.

“We are very grateful for all funds raised and donated as it enables us to enhance and improve patient care and facilities across our three hospital sites.”

To make a donation to the charity go to