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MP answers questions at u3a meeting

Posted onPosted on 6th Feb

Mansfield MP Ben Bradley was Mansfield and District u3a Current Affairs Group’s guest at Mansfield Bowling Club.

Ben, also leader of Nottinghamshire County Council, spoke about the local authority, his role as MP, and proposals he is championing in his quest to make Mansfield a better place.

He also answered questions from the good turnout of group members.

“It was an absolute pleasure to spend an hour or so with Mansfield u3a, setting the world to rights and talking about every issue under the sun,” he said. “Huge thanks for having me.”

Mansfield and District u3a is a volunteer-led organisation for people no longer in full-time employment. There are more than 30 interest groups, including beadwork, bowling, bridge, calligraphy, crafty chat, creative card making, family history, indoor curling, Scrabble, soft tennis, tai chi, and wine tasting.

Monthly members’ meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month at One Call Stadium, Quarry Lane, Mansfield, at 10am. Call the membership secretary on 07935 707582 for more information.

At the February members’ meeting there was a talk by David Skillen on the Gretna Girls. This was the name given to female munition workers at HM Factory Gretna in the first world war.

These girls came from all over the UK and the influx of the workers led to the building of two townships, Eastriggs and Gretna. More information can be found at the Devils Porridge Museum, Eastriggs.