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Football weight-loss programme hits target!

Posted onPosted on 13th Feb

Mansfield and Warsop MP Ben Bradley joined fellow MPs to take part in a football match against players and staff from MAN v FAT, a men’s health organisation that has already helped over 15,000 men across the UK tackle obesity.

MAN v FAT football clubs are specifically aimed at overweight and obese men with a BMI of higher than 27.5. According to health survey for England statistics, approximately 28.0% of adults in England are obese and a further 36.2% are overweight but not obese.

Prior to the game, Ben was interested to hear how MAN v FAT, an FA-affiliated scheme, currently has more than 8,000 players taking part in over 170 clubs across the UK. The total amount of weight lost by MAN v FAT players in the UK currently stands at nearly 500,000 pounds. Locally, there is a MAN v FAT club in Mansfield, which meets on Monday evenings.

Before matches, players are weighed, which is followed by a 30-minute game of six-a-side, with extra goal bonuses awarded to teams based on the amount of weight players have lost. Weight loss and match scores then contribute to teams’ league positions within a club. Players receive additional support including healthy meal recipe ideas and tips on general fitness.

Ben said: “I was pleased to support MAN v FAT. I was really interested to learn about the transformative effect that the programme is having for so many men around the country. At a time when obesity is a real problem, it’s great that these initiatives exist to bring people together through a common passion such as football and do such a great job nationally of motivating people to lose weight through sport.

“Although I had to play in an outfield position, instead of my usual role in goal, I’m glad that we still won the game 6-5 and I’m looking forward to meeting the Man v Fat team again in the future for another game with UK Parliament FC!”

Richard Crick, head of MAN v FAT, said: “It was a great match played in good spirits and it was a great opportunity for us to show the MPs first-hand the success that MAN v FAT is having in improving levels of wellbeing and the difference that the programme is making but to players all around the country.”

Players can join up at and they can get more information by calling 0345 163 1042 or emailing [email protected].