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Brays Pipelines invests in workforce’s health

Posted onPosted on 18th Jan

Mansfield-based underground water services specialists Brays Pipelines has invested £30,000 to protect its team’s health.

The family-run business has been working in the water services industry for private and commercial customers for many years, repairing and renewing burst and damaged water supply pipes.

It sad it takes health and safety risks seriously and understands the hazards its teams are exposed to, recently spending £30,000 in RPE (Respiratory Protective Equipment) to put extra measures in place to protect team members’ health now and in the future.

Workers exposed to dust, chemicals, and other irritants can lead to a range of lung problems that can lead to cancer and other serious illnesses, even years after the exposure. Hazards that lead to lung problems later in life are common simply because of the nature of construction work.

Wearing a mask during construction works is always strongly advised due to the number of contaminants released during construction projects. Air particles can enter the lungs and cause allergies, wheezing, coughing or difficulty breathing. Long-term effects include stomach and digestive problems, lung damage, organ failure or, in some cases, cancer.

Director Neil Bray said: “Our team members’ health and safety and the ongoing protection of our workforce is a top priority. Be clear on cancer is doing a great job promoting awareness and early diagnosis of lung cancer. With 8,000 cancer deaths each year due to occupational exposure, we wanted to put measures in place for our team members to protect against potential occupational-related health problems.

“Brays Pipelines believe that proper RPE protection for team members is essential to protect the future lung health of all workers when on site. Even more importantly, is the fitting of the protective face mask. The cleanair masks must be fitted correctly, considering facial hair to ensure no leaks or gaps where hazardous material may seep through. Our team members are trained to make sure masks fit the face correctly.

“Our investment in the highest level of breathing protection – Unimask demonstrates to our team we take the importance of their lung health seriously. And as November was the official Lung Cancer awareness month, we wanted to help raise awareness and preventive measures others can put in place for themselves or their workforce.

As specialists in underground water services, the Unimask offers Brays Pipelines a great RPE solution with enhanced inner airflow regulation and a visor with excellent optical and mechanical features offering comfort and clear air.