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Inner Wheel helping others at Christmas

Posted onPosted on 18th Nov

Members of the Inner Wheel Club of Mansfield and their friends filled 33 shoeboxes with care and fun items to help others at Christmas.

The shoe box appeal, one of the causes backed by International Inner Wheel, delivers presents to vulnerable adults and children across the world in time for Christmas.

The Mansfield group also collected 113 books for the charity Book Bus, whose volunteers deliver books and work with teachers in Africa and Central America to promote literacy.

TOP: Rotn Alex Wegner (second left) and her husband, Przemek Wegner, gave a talk to Inner Wheel members on her family history in Poland. She donated her fee to Nottingham Hospitals Charity. Also pictured are Mansfield Inner Wheel president Kathy Winson (left) and member Margaret Thomas.

Club meetings are held monthly at Portland College. If anyone is interested in becoming a member of Inner Wheel, go to