Forest Town and Warsop high streets have been given a colourful boost following the installation of two bicycles covered in yarn, to celebrate the cycling race coming through the district.
Both bikes were donated and installed by Mansfield District Council on Clipstone Road West, and on Mansfield Road in Warsop. The intricately designed colourful works of art saw volunteers and knitters from both areas come together to spruce up the bikes ahead of the event on Thursday 8 September.
Debbie Williamson said it took her and seven local volunteers from Forest Town just one week to create and assemble the masterpiece – with over 13 balls of yarn used.
She said: “I couldn’t have done the bike without the help of our volunteers. Each just had a set of measurements and used what wool they had in their stash to make this fabulous result, so a special thank you goes to them for not only helping make several of the pieces, but the hours spent helping assemble it too. It’s been a project that has helped some ladies get back into the craft again, and make new friends.
“I’ve only been crocheting for three years, starting off attending a class with some friends just socially. Then lockdown happened and it just took off. It’s been something to keep me quiet whilst my husband watches the football!
“When I was thinking about the idea I never expected it to come together like this – it’s just better than expected. Dreams do come true! It’s been so lovely to do a collaborative project with the community and I just wanted to brighten Forest Town up – it’s not every day a big event like this comes to our doorstep. Hopefully, this is just the start of more yarn bombing in Forest Town.
“I loved co-ordinating this and bringing it all together – and the reaction from the public has been receptive.”
Debbie is no stranger to leaving her mark in Forest Town having previously yarn bombed post boxes in the area with designs including; Charlie Brown and Snoopy, Sooty and Sweep – plus a stunning crown jewel set to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
As well as the yarn-adorned bike in Forest Town, Debbie has crocheted a Tour of Britain post box topper, aptly named Cedric the Cyclist which can be viewed on the town’s high street.
Vicky Kennedy, a member of the community group Vibrant Warsop coordinated the yarn bomb bike on Mansfield Road.
She said: “The Warsop U3a craft group are the main heroes here, having pulled this project off – it’s a real piece of teamwork. Some of the members in the group have crocheted for more than 50 years, although it remains a tight lip secret in the town about who the ladies are. They are responsible for quietly installing the post box toppers around Warsop, so this bike has been a brilliant project to showcase what they can do – and also celebrate the race coming through our district.
“There were approximately 300grams of wool used for this design, which took them just over three weeks in total. They have also been collectively making bollard toppers and items for the railings near the town hall over the last few months too, all making Warsop even more vibrant.
“It’s wonderful to see such a lovely piece of art sit in the run-up to our high street, and we hope the public take a moment to enjoy it too.
“On the day in Warsop, we also have the local school children safely lining the streets to cheer the cyclists on, as well as Warsop Wheelie and lots of other fun sessions on Mansfield Road to celebrate. It’s shaping up to be a great event!”
Yarn bombing – the trend of creating street art with knitted or crocheted yarn – is a crafting phenomenon that has brought joy and colour to many everyday items on the streets, such as post boxes, railings and bollards, in recent years.
Adam Hill, the council’s chief executive added: “The council were thrilled to donate a bike to both Debbie and Vibrant Warsop in their quests to make a statement piece for the towns.
“It has been heart-warming to see how our communities can pull together to make Mansfield look its absolute best on the global stage.
“Each of the bikes being installed around the district makes for a fantastic trail around the route – and showcases some of the fabulous creative talents our residents have.
“I look forward to cheering on the riders at the finish line with our residents and partners in just 7 days, and encourage people if they haven’t already to take a look at all the free events and activities happening throughout the district to commemorate the tour on the council’s website.”
For the route, list of road closures, how you can get involved and event information visit: