The Invest Ashfield & Mansfield AMbassadors’ business programme is holding a lunch to celebrate the first year of this exciting scheme.
The event, which is taking place on Friday, 16 January, at Forever Green, Ransom Wood, from 11.30am to 2.30pm, will give AMbassadors and businesses the opportunity to find out what has been happening on the programme over the last year and what businesses can do to help promote Mansfield and Ashfield to their clients, customers and contacts.
Keynote speakers will include Director of A-Star media Katrina Atherton and Councillors Kate Allsop (Mansfield District Council) and Chris Baron (Ashfield District Council).
The AMbassadors’ programme is designed to celebrate the successes of local businesses and help promote the many benefits of doing business within the Ashfield and Mansfield area.
The programme can offer businesses:
•Advertising and feature coverage
•A range of promotional materials
•A dedicated section of the AMbassadors’ website
•Regular AMbassador events
In return AMbassadors are asked to:
•Participate and give up time to create relevant material about their business
•Allow access to their contacts
•Contribute blog posts
•Pass potential leads to the Invest Ashfield & Mansfield team
•Potentially host an event to promote Ashfield and Mansfield and the AMbassadors’ programme
Portfolio Holder for Economic Regeneration at Mansfield District Council, Cllr Kate Allsop said: “This event will update AMbassadors on what has happened since the launch of this enterprising programme last year and will also point the way forward to spreading the word that Ashfield and Mansfield are brilliant places to do business with many benefits. We want as many people and investors as possible to get involved, so if you feel you have something to offer, please get in touch with our dedicated team.”
Leader of Ashfield District Council, Councillor Chris Baron said: “The AMbassadors’ programme is proving a great success in promoting the business world within Ashfield and Mansfield. The area hosts many successful businesses and organisations and this event will give an insight into what great achievements have been made so far.”
For more information, contact the Invest Ashfield & Mansfield team on 01623 463537.