Three caring young brothers spent some of their summer holidays clearing litter from their local park.
Sam (11), Joe (9), and Blake Adey (7) worked hard to tidy up rubbish at Ladybrook Park in Mansfield.
Their grandmother, Sharron Harston, said: “I want them to know that they should be proud of themselves for taking care of the park.
“I am proud of them for being so helpful and caring.”
The trio won praise from Mansfield MP Ben Bradley, who applauded them on Facebook, saying: “Well done.“
The boys all attended Intake Farm Primary School, Mansfield, although headboy Sam is now due to join Queen Elizabeth’s Academy, Mansfield.
Sam added: “It’s a pleasure to help the community and keep the park nice for us all.”
Sharron, who is also a member of a litter-picking group, said the family was involved with support group the Friends of Ladybrook Park and keen to help their local community.
“We are so lucky in Mansfield with our parks and green spaces, and it is great to see the younger generation taking an interest in looking after these areas.
“Young people on the park were watching them and interested.”
The boys’ parents, Carrie and Michael Adey, said they were very proud.
Friends of Ladybrook Park meets on the second Thursday of the month, at Brookside Hall, Mansfield, and local residents are welcome to attend.
TOP: Sam, Joe and Blake Adey with some of the rubbish they have collected at Ladybrook Park.