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Garden party fundraiser for Amazons

Posted onPosted on 11th Apr

Skegby couple John and Sharon Cooper raised £456 for the Amazon Breast Cancer Support Group at their first evening charity garden party of 2022.

Prizes were donated for a raffle and the party included Sharon’s quiz and games of card bingo.

Michele, Stacey and Jacob were thanked for their help as well as all those, including Deb, Geoff and Anne, who donated prizes and gifts. 

Beryl Perrin, chairperson of the Amazons, which is based at King’s Mill Hospital, Sutton, said: “A huge thank-you to Sharon and John for yet another wonderful fundraising event, and to all their generous family and friends for supporting them in making this donation.

“It will be used to benefit breast cancer patients at King’s Mill Hospital. They are a brilliant couple!”

Pictured are John Cooper, Amazon chairperson Beryl Perrin and Sharon Cooper.