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Students support foodbank

Posted onPosted on 23rd Feb

Students at Mansfield Education Hub have engaged in community projects to demonstrate how to be socially-responsible citizens.

The social action projects have been a great way for the students to work together to help people in the community.

The students collaborated and wrote a social media appeal on behalf of Sherwood Forest Foodbank requesting donations, which saw non-perishable foods donated by organisations, people in the community, students, staff, friends, families and neighbours.

Students also wrote letters to local businesses and charities asking for support.

A selection of foods and drinks were donated, including pasta, rice, tinned vegetables and fruits, beans, tinned soup, tea and coffee, condensed milk, jams and other preserves.

The hub thanked The Co-op Group in Mansfield, Forest Town and Clipstone, as well as Co-op Member Pioneer for Mansfield, Samantha Ducker, for making donations from their convenience food stores.

Students James, Brooke, Dwayne, Jaycee, Kelsie, Charlotte, Courtney, Luke, Heather and Daisy took the donations to the foodbank.

James Hinds said: “We have loved engaging with local people and businesses to have a positive social impact in our community.

“We felt so proud delivering the items to the foodbank. They appreciated the donation so much and it felt like such a heart-warming experience.”

A spokesperson for Sherwood Forest Foodbank added: “Thank you for the donations, we really appreciate it. So many people rely on foodbanks because they are experiencing financial difficulties, so you are definitely helping us to support our community.”

Mansfield Education Hub is part of Barnsley College and the project-based Foundation Learning course offered at the hub sees students take part in ongoing practical projects throughout the academic year, which feed into their qualification. There are courses available throughout the year and young people are able to apply and enrol now.