Selected students got a closer look at tarantulas, millipedes and corn snakes when they learned more about saving the planet.
Teenagers from Shirebrook Academy were introduced to the creatures as they delved into life inside a rainforest and the many animals and resources that it is home to.
Each of the students were chosen based on good behaviour and positive attitude to learning, giving them the opportunity to look at, stroke or hold the animals to observe their features up close.
The lesson was run by Domonique Isacc, of ZooLab, a Glasgow-based company, with presenters located across the UK, that travels to schools educating and inspiring children on the wonders of the rainforest.
She also used the lesson to educate pupils on the importance of sustainability and encouraging recycling to ensure the habitats of exotic animals can be preserved.
Year 9 student Lucas Thomas (13) said: “I have learned so much from the session about our environment. Dominique made it really interesting.”
Geography teacher Alison Fidler, who supervised the session, added: “ZooLab was a fantastic experience for our Year 9 students. It hugely enriched their understanding of the rainforest, why is it under threat, and how we can help conserve it for the future.”
“The opportunity to meet and hold some exotic animals was incredibly exciting and I’m extremely proud of how well the students engaged with and enjoyed the experience.”
Students learned that the legs of a millipede help it to feel in the dark and the giant African land snail’s large shell allows it to take refuge from predators. Just one of the facts delivered was that a corn snake gets its name from being found on farms where sweetcorn grows.