Residents of Mansfield are invited to make environmental pledges as part of celebrations to mark both Zero Waste Week (6 to 10 September) and National Recycle Week (20 to 26 September).
Mansfield District Council is supporting the Go Green for September campaign, which is led by Nottinghamshire County Council, in partnership with Veolia.
The month-long campaign is all about reducing, reusing and recycling as much as possible. The challenge will run from 1 to 30 September and offers residents the opportunity to sign up and join the fight against climate change. Residents who sign up to the campaign will receive environmental tips and challenges to complete throughout September direct to their inbox.
Anyone can get involved with the challenge, individuals, families, couples, friends or work colleagues. There are competitions and prizes to be won.
The Mayor of Mansfield, Andy Abrahams, who has already signed up and is encouraging residents and businesses to do the same, said:
“There has never been a better time to tackle climate change. We all need to do everything we can to address the climate emergency. Even small changes can make a big difference.
“We have a number of eco-friendly shops in the district, including Mansfield Refillery and Boo’s Pantry which I commend for enabling local people to be more environmentally friendly and help them produce ‘zero waste’.”
Coun Andy Burgin, portfolio holder for environment and leisure, said: “We are determined to reduce the impact we as a district have on the environment. We have reviewed almost every service the council undertakes with a green focus – from light bulbs to tools and equipment to housing design.
“We are already encouraging council employees to take part in the pledge and now we need your help.
Consider what you put in your bins and what waste you produce. Ask yourself what you could do differently and think about what more you could recycle.
“There are many changes local people could make, from buying products that are packaged in recyclable materials, to switching to LED bulbs in the home or opting for wooden children’s toys rather than plastic ones.”
In celebration of Recycle Week at the end of September, the Town Hall will be lit up in green to raise awareness.
Sign up at Notts Recycles Go Green 30 Day Challenge | Nottinghamshire County Council.
Nottinghamshire County County is the waste authority for the whole of the county and sets what materials can be recycled.
The key contaminants of blue recycling bins in Mansfield are nappies, textiles and non-recyclable plastics which results in entire lorry loads going to landfill rather than being recycled. The council is focused on reducing the contamination rate, which is currently 13.6%, by educating and supporting residents with waste management.
Find out how to be Bin Smart and recycle responsibly at