Ashfield MP Lee Anderson has praised all those involved with the Covid-19 vaccination effort as he revealed that Nottinghamshire is on track to vaccinate all over-80s and care home residents/staff by 24th January.
He said the county is also on track to vaccinate all the top four cohorts by the Prime Minister’s deadline of mid-February – in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire that means more than 247,000 first vaccines delivered.
A roving service and a patient transport service will vaccinate the housebound and support those without access to transport, supporting good uptake.
There are now none vaccination sites in the county, with three being in Ashfield, but the MP has called for more sites to be rolled out and has contacted the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and asked them to use doctors’ surgeries throughout Ashfield
Lee has also called for more local information. “To have achieved almost four million vaccinations (nationally) already is great news. As ever, I want to make sure my constituents are getting the best service. I have asked for specific figures for Ashfield and Eastwood as a result,” he said.
The MP has also signed up to be a vaccine volunteer and did his first session on Saturday, 16 January, at the Ashfield Health Village, Kirkby.
Lee said: “I want to do my bit for Queen and country. The faster we are all vaccinated, the faster we can hold our loved ones close and normal life can be resume. I would encourage everyone who can to sign up as a volunteer at”