Residents in Mansfield district are being advised to check their Christmas and New Year bin collection dates.
Green general waste bins that are due to be emptied on Monday 21 December will instead be emptied on Saturday 19 December. All green bins from Tuesday 22 December to Friday 25 December will be emptied one day earlier than normal.
Blue recycling bins that are due to be emptied from Monday 28 to Thursday 31 December will take place on their normal day. Bins due to be emptied on Friday 1 January 2021 will be emptied on Saturday 2 January.
Green bin
Normal Day Actual Day
Monday 21 December Saturday 19 December
Tuesday 22 December Monday 21 December
Wednesday 23 December Tuesday 22 December
Thursday 24 December Wednesday 23 December
Friday 25 December Thursday 24 December
Blue bin
Normal Day Actual Day
Monday 28 December Monday 28 December
Tuesday 29 December Tuesday 29 December
Wednesday 30 December Wednesday 30 December
Thursday 31 December Thursday 31 December
Friday 1 January 2021 Saturday 2 January 2021
Bin crews will leave laminated postcards with details of the changes tucked under bin lids from 14-18 December.
Coun Andy Burgin, portfolio holder for environment and leisure, said: “This year we’ve made changes to ensure the time between collections is kept to a minimum and nobody has to wait any longer than an extra day or two.
“We’re getting the message out to residents in as many ways as possible, including articles and adverts in the local press and radio. But we need your help – please share our social media posts and tag in your family, friends and neighbours to spread the word. Please mention to everyone you know, especially those who don’t use social media, to check their bin days.
“Reduce your waste by recycling as much as possible in your blue bin, taking care not to contaminate it with non-recyclables. You can take any excess waste to one of the county council’s Household Waste Recycling Centres.”
The council said bins must be out by 6am. If crews are unable to empty bins due to parking issues or severe weather, leave your bin out and they will return. Side waste can’t be collected on green bin days. A small amount of recyclable side waste in a paper bag or cardboard box can be collected on blue bin days.
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