People are being invited to create their own unique scarecrows and form part of a Scarecrow Trail to bring cheer and community spirit to the residents of Berry Hill Quarry, Mansfield.
Organiser Clare Taylor said: “Whatever age you are, it’s a great thing to be involved in so get your thinking caps on!
“Despite the trail being specifically for Halloween, the scarecrows do not have to be scary in any shape or form.”
To register your scarecrow, send the title (eg Minions, Dracula etc) and where it will be sited to Clare Taylor at [email protected] by Monday, 19th October. This registration deadline will allow Clare enough time to create a trail map for residents to download (available from 27th October).
For the Quarry Scarefest trail, scarecrows will need to be put out midday on 29th October and will stay in place until 1st November.