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Free help after therapists see fears spike during pandemic

Posted onPosted on 26th Aug

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to be ever present in our lives, local therapists Clem and Margaret Turner say it may have reached a point where fear could be ruling some people’s lives.

To help, the Skegby-based team are doing their bit to help people cope as they see fears spiking amongst people in this area.

Clem and Margaret have released a free download on their website, which is designed to help people to rationalise their fears and regain a sense of clarity and control.

“Many of us have been living in a climate of fear. We’ve been tested in ways we could never have imagined but fear can be a state of mind that controls all aspects of our life too,” Margaret said.

“Some people may be fearful of loss, or lack of security. Others may have a fear of illness or fear for the future. But fear can cripple us into an unhelpful resource state of inaction, and amplify anxieties.

“Healthy fear is good. It can alert us to the presence of danger, and can trigger a lifesaving fight or flight response. But often fear constricts who we are and prevents us making the right decisions.

“Fear lets us see only the darkness, and wants us to avoid the new and the unknown. The techniques we teach our clients, whatever the trigger, can also be applied successfully in this current pandemic.

“I’d encourage anyone who is feeling fearful about aspects of their life, to download our free hypnotherapy MP3 and see if it helps.”

The 15-minute English-language audio recording can be accessed from any computer or device, and simply requires the listener to be settled in a safe, quiet space, where they can fully engage with Margaret’s soothing words.

“Margaret added: “Even just taking 15 minutes out of your day to focus on yourself, rather than the latest virus news update, can help you regain a sense of balance and clarity. This pandemic has many repercussions beyond the actual virus. One is the potential impact on mental health and wellbeing as people try to manage an increasingly stressful situation, and if I can help ease that stress in just a small way, I believe it’s worth doing.”

To access your free download go to