Nottinghamshire County Council is urging even more residents to stop smoking and take part in this year’s Stoptober challenge.
Stoptober, which challenges smokers to quit for 28 days in October is entering its third year. Last year 2,875 people in Nottinghamshire, and 250,000 nationwide, took part in the challenge – with the hope that even more will participate this year.
Currently 19.4% of adults across Nottinghamshire smoke, and the county’s Health and Wellbeing has set reducing this number as a key priority in its Health and Wellbeing Strategy. Helping smokers to quit through local services as well as campaigns like Stoptober will be a key part of achieving the goal.
This year’s Stoptober challenge is using humour to help people tackle the idea of giving up smoking, and top British comedians including Paddy McGuinness, Al Murray, Simon Brodkin (aka Lee Nelson, Jason Bent and Dr Bob) and Andi Osho will be bringing a touch of the British sense of humour to help quitters through this difficult and daunting challenge.
Smoking is no laughing matter though and neither is quitting. Two-thirds of smokers say they want to quit but only four in ten told a recent survey that they have tried in the last year. There is no doubt that quitting is tough, but it is known that people who quit do feel better in time.3
Councillor Joyce Bosnjak, chair of the Nottinghamshire Health and Wellbeing Board said:
“We know that the majority of people who smoke want to give up, but sometimes it’s taking that first step that’s the hardest. Stoptober is great because it builds a real community of thousands of quitters all giving up at the same time – so you won’t be on your own. If you’ve been thinking about stopping smoking I’d urge you to give it a go during Stoptober. Don’t forget we also have some great free stop smoking services locally that can make all the difference when it comes to quitting successfully. Good luck to anyone taking part!”
By registering for Stoptober online, smokers will get a range of free tools including a new stop smoking pack, a 28-day mobile phone app, text support with daily updates, quitting advice and tips for coping, as well as the encouragement and support from thousands of people quitting together through Stoptober social media channels.
Smokers are being encouraged to sign up now, and start their 28 day mass quit attempt on Wednesday 1 October.
Smokers can also get specialist, free help to quit smoking for good through local stop smoking services commissioned by Nottinghamshire County Council, via New Leaf on 0800 389 7712, Bassetlaw Stop Smoking Services on 0800 328 8553, or talk to your GP or pharmacy.
For more information, contact Robin Smith on 0115 977 4179 or [email protected]
Register for Stoptober at: