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Bringing high notes into care homes in lockdown

Posted onPosted on 10th Jun

A caring woman who provided singalong sessions in care homes before the coronavirus lockdown has managed to continue her uplifting work throughout the crisis.

Now Ellie Fessey, who has been streaming live singalong sessions into care homes while only keyworkers are allowed in, has produced a DVD of cheerful, uplifting and well known songs to reach even more people living in care homes.

Ellie, of Pinxton, said she had found that some care homes were struggling to receive her streamed sessions because of technical issues — either a poor wifi connection, lack of experience or lack of equipment.

“I have reached out to all the care homes in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire and found the lack of equipment required to do the live streaming ­— a laptop with built-in webcam and good wifi internet access ­— was a massive hurdle,” Ellie said.

“So my wonderful husband suggested I make a DVD, using the webcam I bought for the live streaming to record the singalong session within the little studio that he has also built for me.

“Pretty much all care homes have a DVD player and a DVD is really easy to use; great for the very busy and pressured care staff to implement into a very unpredictable and hectic day.

“As expected, especially during lockdown, entertaining and doing recreational activities with the residents comes second when medical and personal care is needed.”

The DVD of singalong activities and an accompanying songbook can be bought at

There is also a sample video on the website to see what you would get and there is a Facebook page, Sing Along With Ellie, with more videos to look at.

Ellie began singing in care homes after being appointed activities coordinator at one local home, Kingfisher Court, Sutton.

She added: “I jumped at the chance to start making a difference and enhancing people’s lives.

“Within this role I took it upon myself to start a singalong session in the care home. Even using quite crude equipment and with no repertoire to fall back on, I quickly established a lovely little singalong group.

“We have fun and use music to connect, reminisce and sometimes break through some of the barriers and social isolation that loneliness, depression and dementia can bring.”

Ellie was inspired by her late mother, Mary, who sadly died from cancer in a care home during the coronavirus crisis after living with dementia for seven years.

“Before mum had to go into a care home, we supported independent living on her own for as long as possible,” Ellie added.

“One of the vital activities we started was ‘Singing For The Brain’, organised by the Alzheimer’s Society in a local church hall.

“This literally changed our lives, to see everybody involved animated, engaged, happy and having fun in a safe, friendly and warm environment surrounded by music and the wonderful sound of singing.

“My wonderful mum continued to sing and engage with music, whether it be taking part in singalong sessions in the wonderful nursing home or just the two of us sitting, singing our favourite songs together.

“Music surrounded and comforted mum throughout her life. Singing is good for the soul, it lifts all of our spirits and is a lovely way to express ourselves when words are sometimes just not enough.

“Residents, carers and family members gain so much from music therapy. I have witnessed this time and time again. I just want to reach out to people and make them smile whilst singing.”

During lockdown, Ellie is available for live streaming singalong sessions and her DVD and songbook are at

After lockdown, she intends to continue live streaming and making more volumes of her DVD, as well as being available for face-to-face ‘old fashioned’ singalong sessions within care homes, once it is safe to so.