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Deer wanders into police station

Posted onPosted on 25th May

An RSPCA officer responded to an emergency call to rescue a deer that wandered into a police station and got stuck within the compound.

RSPCA chief inspector Simon Parker was at home enjoying a birthday barbecue with his family on Sunday afternoon when he was called out to Mansfield Police Station/

He said: “Nottinghamshire Police contacted us requesting assistance after spotting the female roe deer on their CCTV.

“They had no i-deer how she got in as the whole site is surrounded by 6ft fence and the gates only open when vehicles come in and out.

“I suspect she came from nearby woods, ventured inside the police station and then couldn’t find her way out.”

Simon and a vet managed to dart the deer from 20m and waited for the sedative to take effect (pictured) before tagging her, moving her to the woods nearby and releasing her back into the wild.

He added: “This is the third weekend in a row that I’ve been called out to an emergency deer rescue. It seems as though wildlife is getting used to quieter towns and less traffic on the roads.

“I’m pleased we were able to help this deer quickly before she became too distressed and that she’s now back in the wild where she should be.”

If you come across a wild animal who needs help, the RSPCA advises monitoring from a safe distance and contacting its emergency hotline on 0300 1234 999 for assistance.