Sherwood Forest Rotary Club members have been pleased to be able to help those in need in the difficult times of the coronavirus pandemic.
Apart from regularly collecting to give to Ollerton Foodbank, the club has also in April donated £100 to CAR (Community Action Response) based at the Life Spring Centre, Ollerton, and £100 to help with food for people in Edwinstowe and Clipstone.
A spokesman said: “Rotary is not cancelled, it’s just different.
“Club members are still in contact with each other and are holding weekly meetings using social media.
“This month we welcomed Lynda Coppin as a new member and held our AGM.
“Also we are deciding on our future activities and how we might continue to support others. The meetings usually end with a quiz just to keep our minds active.”
India unmasked
At the last evening Rotary gathering before the coronavirus lockdown, club members were given a thought provoking talk by past District Governor Val Leavers.
Val has spent 14 years raising money and visiting the poorer parts of India.
During this time she has overseen the development of houses, the provision of clean drinking water from bore-wells and building and equipping schools.
This includes books, reading lamps, desks benches and many other things that can be taken for granted in this country.
She said with shelter, clean drinking water, enough to eat and clothes to wear you have a future.
Val also emphasised that whilst India has a small minority of wealthy people, the country still has around 77,000 million very poor people who, with a little help, Rotary can provide life-changing opportunities.
Malcolm Bevan, president of the Rotary Cub, who has also spent his life in education, reminded members that the club was proud to have supported Val’s work over the years.
The Rotary Club of Sherwood Forest can still be contacted by ringing Rotn Don on 07875 276815.
Val Leavers and Malcolm Bevan are pictured above.