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Coronavirus: 103.2 to broadcast special Mothering Sunday service

Posted onPosted on 20th Mar

A special Mothering Sunday service is to be broadcast on Mansfield 103.2 on Sunday because of the cancellation of all public services in churches due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The Mansfield radio station has teamed up with St Peter’s Church, Mansfield, for the service.

The Rev Caroline Philips will be presenting the service that would have taken place in the church.

It will be broadcast on Mansfield 103.2 between 8am and 9am on Mothering Sunday.

The service will feature contributions from the Rev David Fudger, a regular presenter of Morning Song on Mansfield 103.2.

Caroline told Mansfield 103.2 she thought people were understanding that services had been cancelled.

“People are sad that they can’t meet but we are all doing what we need to do,” she added.

“We are grateful for this opportunity. Mothering Sunday is such a special time for all society. It’s great to be able to pause and say thank you tho those who love us.

“There is a sense that we are in this together. There is almost a blitz spirit of caring and supporting one another.

“As well as making everything is in place with Church life, we are aware of the bigger picture across the area, may be people who are homeless or struggling to feed themselves. Many of the volunteers who support them will have to self isolate so that is a concern, how do we support the most vulnerable at this time. The council and voluntary sector are working together.”

If you would like to join in with the hymns at home – this is the order of service so you can have the words handy on Sunday morning:

Welcome – words of introduction from Caroline and David

Hymn – All Things Bright And Beautiful

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Remembering and Reflecting

Hymn – Be Still For The Presence Of The Lord

Prayer and Confession

Bible reading – John 15: 5-12

Hymn – Love Divine


Hymn – Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace




Hymn – Now Thank We All Our God


Do you know of people or a group that is going the extra mile to help others across Mansfield, Ashfield and Warsop during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Let us know and we will share the story here and in our print editions – simply email the details to [email protected].

One example is at the Academy Transformation Trust Further Education College [ATTFE], based at Sutton, which has launched a caring initiative to help its learners, staff and the communities it serves during the uncertainty over the coronavirus.

Mindful that its learners are starting to feel worried and concerned about the emerging national picture, the college has set up the ‘ATTFE College in the Community’ Facebook group to support learners, staff and community members during this challenging time.

The platform will be used to share information, create a volunteer network to support other members within the community who may be struggling, and to share exercise ideas, gardening tips, English skills, cooking tips etc.

The college said the group would be led by the learners and aimed to be a light within communities.

And if you have an event that has been cancelled because of the coronavirus situation, email [email protected] and we will post the details on here and our social media pages.