Once Upon a Pillow Fight, an inventive mix of theatre, acrobatics and storytelling, will be somersaulting its way into Mansfield Library in April.
On Saturday, 6th April at 4.30pm, The library will be transformed into a cosy bedroom with mattresses and duvets for adults and their kids to get snuggled down on…but while you settle in, two characters are not nearly ready to sleep and their bedtime adventure will soon descend into pillow-fighting chaos.
For existing library members tickets are £3 each. Tickets for non-library members are £6 per ticket. Full details and booking can all be found online at www.inspireculture.org.uk/familytheatre
The show is part of a range of programmes aimed at children and their families taking place in libraries across the county thanks to funding from Arts Council England and Inspire’s status as an Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation (NPO).