Mansfield Building Society is asking for local charities and community groups in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire to nominate their outstanding volunteers for its Community Star Award.
The award recognises the dedication and commitment that volunteers give to the local community and will be presented at the Society’s Annual General Meeting on Thursday, 26th April at Mansfield Library.
The winner will receive an award, £100 Love2Shop vouchers and £150 cash for their group or charity.
The Community Star Award was launched by The Mansfield in 2017, with Jo Scott (pictured), from Nottinghamshire Search and Rescue, the inaugural winner for her work in locating and rescuing a missing vulnerable person.
As a mutual building society, The Mansfield is an active contributor to local community groups, offering hands-on support as well as financial aid through its Charitable Trust and Community Support Scheme.
Branch and community development manager Nicola Caulton said that the society was immensely proud to engage with individuals and local community groups to help improve the lives and wellbeing of all those who live or work in the local area.
“As a local building society, our aim is to serve our members and our community,” she said.
“We’re looking forward to recognising the important work that local community groups and their volunteers do. By hosting the Community Star Award at our AGM, we can share some of the terrific work being done by volunteers in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire and how they’re improving the quality of life for the people in our heartland.
Due to the popularity of the event last year we have opened up the award to a wider audience who we are looking forward to meeting and celebrating with at our AGM and Awards Presentation on 26 April.”
Charities and community groups can nominate their volunteer for the Community Star award by going to the Society’s website
Closing date for nominations is midnight Saturday, 31st March.