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Scoop the poop or face a fine

Posted onPosted on 7th May

Mansfield District Council is running a dog fouling campaign throughout May, targeting streets, parks and open spaces with known problems.

Throughout the month, neighbourhood wardens will be raising awareness of the campaign and handing out free dog poo bags to dog owners. Window stickers designed by school children will be available to people living in properties located by roadsides and the council’s dog mascot Scoop will be leading the way at local events, including Warsop Carnival.

Members of the public are also being asked to assist the council by reporting any dog owners, who do not clear up after their dog. Failure to clean up dog mess can result in a £75 Fixed Penalty Notice or a court fine of up to £1,000.

It is now an offence to allow dogs to enter children’s play areas and sports arenas which are enclosed with a boundary fence or similar. Dog faeces are linked to health risks, including ‘toxocara canis’ which can cause stomach upsets, sore throats, asthma and even blindness. The parasite can remain active in the soil for many years, even after the dog mess has decomposed.

It is also an offence to fail to put a dog on a lead when requested to do so by an authorised officer.

Coun Mick Barton, portfolio holder for public protection, said: “It is totally unacceptable that dog owners refuse to clean up after their dogs when walking in public. Dog mess not only looks unsightly, but poses a real health risk, particularly to children. It is the responsibility of the dog owner or the person in charge of the dog to clear up any mess.”

“We want to send out a message to irresponsible dog owners that we are determined to crack down on dog fouling offences. We also want members of the public to help us identify and penalise offenders by reporting them to the Council or our neighbourhood wardens. Every report is important, because it helps the Council track where the hotspots are and informs us where enforcement and cleansing services are required.”

To report dog fouling in the Mansfield District, call 01623 463 463 or contact your local neighbourhood warden or MDC’s dog control officer. When reporting any incidents, please provide as many details as you can about the dog owner, the breed of dog and the exact location and time of the offence.