Members of Girlguiding Nottinghamshire handed over cheques totalling more than £1,200 to Nottinghamshire-based homelessness charity Framework.
The presentation was made during 19th Mansfield Guides’ weekly meeting in Big Barn Lane Methodist Church.
The girls were among 100 members of Guide units from around the county who were sponsored to spend a night in makeshift cardboard shelters at Girlguiding Nottinghamshire’s Elton campsite earlier this year.
The Night In A Box initiative was been held to highlight the plight of the homeless.
Accepting the cheques on behalf of Framework, Olivia Wood promised that the money would be well-spent.
“This wonderful donation could fund several weeks of early morning Street-Outreach sessions to support rough sleepers,” she told the girls.
“Or (it could) provide starter packs of the bare essentials to help people who have literally nothing when they move on to a new home.”
Talking after the sleep-out in May, the Guides admitted the experience had been a challenge, and it had enabled them to better appreciate some of the issues associated with homelessness.
“You would have to get a new box every night,” said Sami Hurst, of 19th Mansfield Guides.
“Our box collapsed and I used three pairs of socks because they got so wet.”
Jess Atkin, also from 19th Mansfield Guides, added: “It was a fun experience as my friends were there, but I wouldn’t stay for another night.”
Girlguiding Nottinghamshire is recruiting additional adult volunteers to reduce waiting lists and create more events and opportunities like Night In A Box.
Anyone interested in finding out what is involved should call 0115 987 7220 or visit
For details on Framework and its work with the homeless, visit
ABOVE: Members of 19th Mansfield Guides present the money raised during Girlguiding Nottinghamshire’s Night In A Box to Olivia Wood, of Framework. Far left is Assistant County Commissioner Kirsty Pogson and far right is Gillian Kendall, chairman of the Elton campsite committee.