Asquith Primary School has worked with local Forestry Commission staff to develop the Forest Schools area on the school site.
Children, parents and grandparents, together with school staff, went to a Forestry Commission site to take part in woodland skills.
They learned how to safely cut down saplings that needed thinning out, using bow saws, pruning saws and loppers.
They foraged in the undergrowth for logs and tree trunk sections to take back to school.
Forest School teacher Rebecca Waterfield will use the wood to create seating and stepping stone sections for nursery and foundation children. The sapling sections will be used as den-building materials.
Pupils from Asquith, Oak Tree and Berry Hill primaries will be able to buy equipment from a Local School Nature Grant, thanks the People’s Postcode Lottery.
Youngsters played an important role in applying for each of the grants and selected equipment they felt would benefit their peers.
Equipment included rocket stoves, a storm kettle, growing kits, planters and bug/insect homes that will be used to support after-school clubs and curriculum learning outdoors, as well as attracting more wildlife to the schools’ sites.