The Brunts Academy, Mansfield, has maintained a good quality of education since its last inspection, according to Ofsted inspectors.
Strengths seen during the short inspection included increases in student attendance, safeguarding, improvements in English, good outcomes in maths, a well thought-out choice of subjects for students and the importance on ensuing the quality of teaching is at least good.
The number of students in the sixth-form going on to university has significantly increased.
Head Carl Atkin said: “As part of the Evolve Trust, our vision is to open minds, creating opportunities for all to believe in themselves, achieve their potential and develop the skills needed to succeed and enjoy life.
“This vision resonates throughout this report and we are proud to announce that the Ofsted Inspectors agreed with our own judgement that the academy continues to be good and that the quality of teaching is at least good.
“Students speak positively about their experience whilst at The Brunts Academy and staff are proud to be a part of our academy.
“Regardless of the huge amount of positive comments in the inspection report, we will remain relentless with focusing on the already known areas for development so that Brunts is outstanding in the next inspection.”