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Taking classroom around the world

Posted onPosted on 6th Mar

Families and children at Asquith Primary School had a week of activities linked to learning about diversity and other cultures.

Most of the sessions were funded by a Celebrate grant from the Big Lottery Fund.

Artist Crazy Mary started a textile wall hanging, looking at patterns and colours.

Mansfield Play Forum delivered an arts and craft session (below), and Pantasy Steel Band put on workshops with children and parents.

Storytelling from around the world, on with World Book Day, was by storytellers Joy and David, from Tales Of The Heartwood.

Classroom sessions included food tasting and fun activities.

The Celebrate grant will also be used for international cooking sessions, an art project using plastic bags focused on creating lots of hands, and Indian music sessions.

The Celebrate project will end on 23rd June with a music and food festival, with live music and food from around the world.

Head Clare Harding said: “It is important at Asquith our families feel part of our school and we reflect our community.

“We hope families enjoyed the week of activities and continue to join us over the length of the project. We are excited about our festival and hope the community will join us.”