A new community paediatric website is being launched by Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
The website, with child-friendly language and graphics, will be unveiled during a special information session for Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (SENCOs) from schools across Nottinghamshire today.
The website, (http://www.cyp.sfh-tr.nhs.uk/index.php/community-paediatrics-p), is part of a wider hospital service to provide support and advice to anyone affected by autism or other conditions and includes books, leaflets and information available from Sherwood Forest’s library service.
The information has been designed and collated by Autism Spectrum Disorder Nurse Specialist Tracey Jevons, Primary Care Librarian Alison Sherratt and Consultant Community Paediatrician Dr Esther Corker.
Tracey Jevons, who developed the initial idea and won the project funding, said: “The Community Paediatric Department, with the support of the library team, has been working to raise the profile of our service and help direct young people, their families and professionals to local and national support services and information.
“The library service has widened the child health collection to include specific resources about developmental conditions including Autism Spectrum Disorder alongside our newly developed website.
“The website focuses on Autism Spectrum Disorder at present, but our aim is to expand this to include resources about other common conditions seen by the Community Paediatric service.”
Sherwood Forest Hospitals’ Library and Knowledge Service has a range of books and information available to patients and families. Search its catalogue (http://sherwoodforest.nhslibraries.com/) by typing “child health collection” into the search box, and a subject – for example, autism.
For more information email [email protected] or telephone 01623 622515 extension 4009.