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Reverse advent calendar appeal

Posted onPosted on 18th Oct
Reverse advent calendar appeal

A community cause is urging people to take part in a Christmas appeal with a difference.

Ladybrook Enterprises Ltd in Mansfield wants residents to join its reverse advent calendar initiative.

It is asking people to place an unwanted item into a box at home or at work every day in December up to Christmas Eve.

The charity is appealing for items that would benefit members of the community or the cause, including non-perishable food for its community food share project, unwanted toys, clothing, household goods or books for its low-cost charity shop, raffle prizes for fund raising or items to reduce its running costs such as paper, black bags and stationery.

Boxes can be taken to Ladybrook Community Centre (William Kaye Hall) on Christmas Eve, when people are invited to share a free mince pie and coffee as a thank you.

For more information or to get involved, call 01623 624208 or email ladybrookcommunity [email protected]